Tag Archives: Gloucester boat tours

Community Happenings: Essex Heritage Boat Tours

Bakers Island Light Station Offers Public Access

Essex Heritage is extremely excited to announce that we will offer public access to Bakers Island Light Station for first time in seventy years! This summer, Essex Heritage will be hosting escorted, guided boat tours aboard landing craft, Naumkeag, to Bakers Island Light Station, for up to 18 passengers, July 1 through September 7 (Labor Day).

Additionally, we would like to invite the press to the ribbon cutting for our new landing-craft, Naumkeag! We hope that you will join us to celebrate launching this exciting new adventure for residents and visitors in the region!


DATE:  Tuesday, June 30, 2015

TIME: 11 AM ribbon cutting celebration with brief remarks made by Salem Mayor Kim Driscoll and Essex Heritage CEO Annie Harris.

LOCATION:  Salem Ferry dock at 10 Blaney Street, Salem, MA 01970 (two blocks past the House of the Seven Gables).  There is free, on site public parking available.

Please RSVP to join us! Kindly RSVP by June 29 by contacting Meredith George by phone 978-740-0444 or email MeredithG@essexheritage.org.