Tag Archives: Essex river cruises

Upcoming Events: Essex River Day

Essex River Day – is an idea that has been evolving for many years. Often when boaters are out on the River you hear the same question over and over again, “Wouldn’t it be great if everyone in Essex could experience the beauty of the River?” The concept for the event is simple. Those who have a boat offer a neighborly boat ride to those in town who may not have a boat and don’t have ready access to appreciating the wonders of the Essex River. This simple thought has grown into a full day of events culminating that evening with a pickup softball game for all ages, a cook out with vendors, live music by Innuendo and a bonfire at Memorial Park.

KICK -OFF CRUISE: Friday at 5:30 pm enjoy a free Essex River Cruises sunset cruise along the river. Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis. Call Essex River Cruises at 978-768-6981 to reserve your spot.Throughout the day, host captains and boat owning families will be taking guests down river. The Harbormaster/Chief of Police maintains a list of host captains and boat owners who are willing to take people for a ride. Once you have been matched, decide with your host family what you would like to do…a ride down river, spend time at the beach, etc.


June 20, 2015 @ 5:30 pm
June 21, 2015 @ 11:30 pm